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  • Independent Market Researcher

    Wendy Banker

    18 years of experience 0 projects USA Market Research
    QualitativeQuantitativeReport writingStrategic Healthcare Market Research and Scientific PublicationsVisualization BrandingEmotional, projective, and behavioral researchFull serviceMarket StrategyMaterials developmentQualitative analysis and report writingQuantitative analysis and report writingVisual Strategy & Design Concept testingDetail / visual aid testingMarket landscape / opportunityMessage testingPatient journey studiesPowerPoint DesignReproductive healthSegmentationStrategic Marketing
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    Wendy is a results-oriented professional with nearly 20 years of market research and outcomes experience in the healthcare industry. Quantitatively, she has successfully executed numerous new product development, segmentation, and message testing studies. Qualitatively, she has moderated thousands of interviews among healthcare providers, hospital staff, patients, and their caregivers. Her direct, yet caring and approachable moderating style has successfully uncovered meaningful insights, even during interviews that are highly sensitive in nature.