CRO Audit and Ad Hoc Clinical QA

  • Budget 0.00$
  • Location USA

Posted on April 12, 2020


Project Desciption

Providing general GCP consulting services which includes identification of what SOPs are needed, writing SOPs, providing SOP training, management of SOPs, providing GCP regulatory training, attending clinical development/operations/safety meetings to provide ongoing GCP advice, helping in the evaluation of vendors (central labs, specialist labs, CROs, IRBs, DMCs/DSMBs etc) , conducting audits of investigator sites and vendor audits, conducting internal systems audits, management of audit observations and responses, inspection readiness and other similar services as requested by Alladapt.

Skills Required

Clinical Quality

Hiring Entity Information

7 project(s) posted hired 8 Experts
Member since: April 11, 2020