East Coast RAPS Chapter Virtual Career Day



Join regulatory, quality, and compliance colleagues and students from around the region to learn more about our vibrant profession. Invited panelists include FDA representatives, veteran regulatory professionals, academia, and others. The design of this interactive event is to help you get started or advance your career in the regulatory field. The speakers’ panel will cover a diverse range of topics, including transitioning to a regulatory career, the benefits of Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC), graduate education, and professional development opportunities. In addition to our panelist sessions, there will be breakout rooms hosted by hiring representatives looking to recruit full-time regulatory talent and our panelists and other invited subject matter experts.


1:00 -1:45 pm Early Career Panel Discussions
1:45 – 2:15 pm Breakout rooms
2:15 – 3:30 pm Progressing your Career Panel Discussions
3:30 – 4:00 pm Breakout rooms

Download the full agenda to see the list of speakers, panelists, and recruiters.

Please note that there are space limitations for this event, and therefore, registration is limited to the first 75 registrants. Registration will close 48 hours prior to the live event.

This is a live event only.  There will be no on-demand recording available.

This event is coordinated through a partnership between the RAPS New York/New Jersey and  Atlanta Chapters, along with Georgia Tech and the Temple University-School of Pharmacy, RA/QA Graduate Program to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing among regulatory professionals and students.

RAC holders may claim 3.0 RAC recertification credits.

Learning Level: Basic
Basic: Content is introductory in nature and requires no requisite knowledge or experience to grasp concepts and related exercises. Basic educational activities are meant to establish a foundation of knowledge and/or competence that will be expanded upon in practice or in higher level activities.

