LifeSciHub Collects Feedback- on Expert Providers AND Hiring Entities

LifeSciHub News

Independently incorporated Small Businesses Expert Providers (EP) aren’t subject to annual performance reviews- that is part of the joy of separating from the org chart!  And yet, feedback is still required for continuous improvement and competitive benchmarking.

For all projects that go through the LifeSciHub platform, LifeSciHub collects feedback on both sides of the equation- Hiring Entity (HE) feedback about the EP, as well as EP feedback on the HE.

Below are the current questions LifeSciHub asks on each side of the equation.  All members are encouraged to provide feedback on this, er, feedback process!

  • Are these the questions you’d like LifeSciHub to ask?
  • What are we missing.

Please comment or message us separately at

As of 1/21/2022 LifeSciHub collects feedback at the conclusion of the project, which can be months or even years after project start.  LifeSciHub is considering initiating a monthly NPS (Net Promoter Score).

EP Feedback Questions:

  • Out of 5 stars, please indicate your assessment of working with EP
  • Impact statement: Are there any metrics you can provide about using EP? Saved us X dollars, y hours, etc.?  Competition: What other options were you considering when you chose [Expert Provider (EP)? Why did you select EP and not those other options?
  • LifeSciHub’s mission is to support small business Expert Providers such as EP and to help drug sponsors find and access them more efficiently. Can you provide a sentence, directed at your industry peers, that describes your experience with EP and recommendations? This sentence will be anonymized for public use. You will be described as “A small US based pre market drug sponsor”
  • Please review your experience with LifeSciHub.  Relative to other workforce options, how well has LifeSciHub served you on this project? Would you recommend LifeSciHub to others? Please provide any feedback so that LifeSciHub too can continuously improve!
  • What could either EP or LifeSciHub have done to improve your experience? Please provide any feedback or recommendations.

HE Feedback Questions:

  • Out of 5 stars, please indicate your assessment of working with HE
  • What was great about working with this HE?
  • What could have used improvement, regarding working with this HE?
  • LifeSciHub’s mission is to support small business Expert Providers such as you, and to help drug sponsors find and engage you faster and more efficiently.
  • Can you provide a sentence, directed at your LifeSciHub Community peers, that describes your experience working with this HE? This sentence will anonymize both you and the HE.
  • Please review your experience with LifeSciHub.  Is there anything LifeSciHub could have done better in this engagement to support you and your business goals?
  • Outside of this engagement, what recommendations do you have for LifeSciHub? How else can we support the small business community?
